On Easter Sunday of 2018, I asked God for a undeniable sign, as proof that a particular section of scripture meant what it seemed to say. Fifteen seconds later, He sent three dramatic, undeniable signs in a row. The scripture I was asking about would make my life situation difficult and challenging, if true. I asked, in a humble James 1:5 way and God answered. It has changed my life dramatically and it showed me the truth of scripture. Before this, I found ways to explain away uncomfortable lines of scripture. God is good and will listen when we humbly talk to Him. There was a witnesses, to this event, who was an unbeliever. He often said, "makes you think." At the end of his life, on his death bed, he decided to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. God changed two lives that day, with those amazing signs.

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It is more than enough that He sent His Son to die for us, no need to demand signs. There are a few explanations for the toy cloud light coming on, however usually in the Bible a sign has no other explanation.

We should pray for others in their infirmities and then hear their stories of how God showed up and healed them, or how He restored their lost loved one. That’s where His glory really shines, that’s when His true light shines through the clouds. It’s not about us or our feelings and experiences, it’s about Him.

Demanding to see a sign from God and thinking he’s answered by a turning on a toy cloud light does not match up with the nature, nor the magnitude to which our God is described in the Bible.

If we knew how much He loves us, from reading His Word, we would not need to demand Him to show Himself, this only moves us further away from Him.

Audra, He loves you so much, He left these words for you:

“And remember that I am always with you until the end of time.”

Mathew 28:20

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Beautiful words of Jesus in Matthew 28. One of my favorite books of the Bible is John. I love reading about the life of Jesus from John's account.

I was not demanding a sign, nor do I advocate for demanding a sign. But we can ask God questions and take our concerns to His throne of grace. We can plead and pray for what He puts on our hearts. I was pleading with God for clarity on a particular situation. And He met me with grace. That day was a really rough day for me personally and I was crying out to God in prayer and praise. Actually, I was praying for "everyone I could think of." I was interceding for those in pain and crisis on my drive to meet a friend.

I am thankful that the Lord knows our hearts and we can pour them out to Him. I am thankful that God is our Heavenly Father. I am thankful that Jesus is our Savior. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit is our comforter.

Blessings to you.

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