Thank you for this, Audra! This ministered to my heart today. So often I wrestle with feelings of insufficiency. It feels like I'm never giving enough time to any of my commitments, like there's always so much more I could or should be doing to chase my dreams.

I greatly appreciated this reminder in the midst of a busy, confusing season of growth. Right now, it feels like God is deepening my roots--the seeds have been planted, but the fruit has not yet fully ripened. Thank you for this reminder during a time when I'm struggling to "bloom."

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I am familiar with the tension you describe and so glad this was encouraging to you! God is faithful to finish what He started in us and through us. We can have peace in the process when we take our eyes off a plan and fix them on the person- Jesus- the author and finisher of our faith! I have to remind myself to let my desire to bloom bring me back to the Creator. Thanks for reading!

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May 14Liked by Audra Powers

Thank you. Beautiful 🩷

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Needed this reminder 👆🕊

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Thank you for reading! I am glad it was an encouraging reminder.

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May 14Liked by Audra Powers

a very timely message!

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Jun 6Liked by Audra Powers

really great substack, thank you for sharing

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Thanks so much for reading! Blessings.

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As my grandchildren get older and are becoming young men and women, your message of "ask God what He has called you to do according to His purpose" really struck me. I have been praying that they make good choices and decisions but this idea will make my prayer more specific. I always appreciate your insight!

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I'm glad these words gave you insight on how to pray for them. Our ultimate calling is to Christ Himself. The assignments will take care of themselves when we seek Jesus first. Thanks for reading, Mary!

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This is definitely a burden I've been carrying especially in light of the past few months in my life. The Lord is calling me to Him, and Him alone.

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Thank you for reading, Kathy. I am thankful for the Spirit's call in our lives.

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I left living near Lake Michigan to move to New Mexico, but looking back I realize I would never have bloomed in Michigan. God took me to the desert to find Him, and I am so grateful. The prickly pear cactus has a lot of sharp needles, but the flower that grows from it is so beautiful, and I pray He is doing the same with my sometimes prickly nature. Here He is teaching me to rest in Him.

Thank you for your wise encouragement!

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Thank you for reading! New Mexico is truly a gorgeous place to live. I am forever thankful for all the lessons the Lord taught me there. I miss the Sandia mountains and the gorgeous view from my backyard. Hopefully I'll get to travel back in October this year!

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What a great reminder to cast our cares onto Jesus; sometimes, we get so caught up in making things work in our own strength that we forget to let God work in our situation. I'm reminded that some flowers like tulips or daffodils lay dormant in the ground for a while- There are also seasons in our lives that we go through that feel like the desert and incredibly dry and lifeless, but just like daffodils that pop up in spring, so to will the dormant things in our lives. We just need to trust in God's timing. 

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Trusting God's timing is one of the most sanctifying processes in our life if we allow it to be. I love the picture of daffodils! When I lived in Albuquerque the winter was so dead and lifeless, but spring brought beautiful blooms- a reminder of trusting God in all seasons. Blessings to you!

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It looks like you are paving the path that many of GOD’s children need to walk!

Continue to point to the road that needs to be traveled and they will come.

No longer will they follow their stubborn hearts.

I AM making all things new!

Continue leading.

I love you All!

GOD Bless!!!


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