Jun 4Liked by Audra Powers

I soooo needed this reminder today. Thank you!!

It’s been sort of a not wanting to get out of bed and face the day season lately. I’m doing much of what I call praying through, praying till I feel His peace and the joy of His presence. It’s sort of like putting shocks on a car, not taking the bumps out of the road, but makes the ride a whole lot smoother.

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I am so glad it was encouraging. Hebrews 4:16 every single day. He is faithful to help us. Blessings.

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So good. Thanks for sharing. There was a chorus called “Refiner’s Fire” we used to sing in college.

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Thank you for reading. I just listened to that song. Beautiful. Adding to my playlist.

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Great lesson!

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Thanks for reading!

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Jun 23Liked by Audra Powers

Very insightful analogy. And oh so true in the life of daily waking and living in Christ.

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Thank you for reading!

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Jun 5Liked by Audra Powers

New subscriber here…I recently stumbled across your stack and am so thankful I did! Reading this post this morning challenged and encouraged my heart in all the best ways. I recently and very unexpectedly lost a job I loved dearly, so the concept of “necessary endings” spoke to me deeply. Your words definitely have given me things to bring before the Lord to talk with Him about as I seek healing amidst the pain of this season, where it feels like so many things are “burning.” Thank you so much for sharing!

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Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Hope! And thanks for subscribing. I am glad this post was encouraging. Last night I was feeling some grief from a necessary ending and the Lord reminded me again...don't fear the fire. We have to encourage each other in this race of faith. I pray that you feel encouraged by the Holy Spirit in this season God prepares you for what's next. Blessings!

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The holy heat is good for our hearts. His fire is purifying. Amen to this message, Audra!

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Jun 5Liked by Audra Powers

I’ve lived in SW Florida for over 30 years now. Never get used to hurricane season.

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Wow! Thank you for this, Audra! Having just experienced a refining fire in my personal life this past week, I am so encouraged by this reminder 🔥🥹🧡

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I am so glad it was encouraging. I'm experiencing a refining fire myself. More fruit to follow...I am thankful the Lord gives us the words to write that we really need to read!

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Jun 4Liked by Audra Powers

Excellent observation and analogy. My wife and I live about 2 hours south of you and yes, controlled burns are a way of life here. It is uplifting to see those green sprigs and buds beginning anew….

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Especially before hurricane season, right? Thanks so much for reading!

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